Richa Law Group
The Law Firm of Richa Haffner Law Group Contact Richa Haffner Law Group

Personal Injury & Product Liability Law

At Richa Law Group, we approach our personal injury and product liability practice with one overarching goal: to protect victim’s rights. If you or someone you know has been injured, killed or otherwise damaged by the improper, illegal, reckless, intentional or negligent actions of another person or company, we have the attorneys and resources to help.

Our attorneys not only protect your current and future legal rights, but also aggressively pursue compensation in an effort to alleviate some of the distress caused to our clients. Additionally, our attorneys represent clients who have been injured by defective or improperly designed/manufactured consumer products as well as manufacturers or retailers who are improperly accused of negligence.

If you have been hurt or injured or suffer health consequences due to the use of a consumer product, we have the attorneys to assist you. Additionally, we provide advice concerning appropriate warnings to be given users or consumers of products, placement of such warnings, appropriate content for operating or equipment manuals, appropriate timing for design changes, necessity for inspection or testing, compliance with statutes and regulations, and determination of recall or retrofit advisability.

Our attorneys have expertise in all areas of tort law and represent both Plaintiffs and Defendants. We provide attentive and sophisticated service, backed by the resources of a full-service law firm.

We have the capacity to represent you with regard to all of your personal injury and product liability matters including, but not limited to, the following:

Air Crash Liability
Airbag Injuries
Automobile, Trucking and Motorcycle Accidents
Aviation and Marine Accidents
Children's Products
Construction Site Accidents
Consumer Products
Drowning Accidents
Environmental Contamination
Exploding Oil and Natural Gas Pipeline
Food and Beverage Integrity
Food-borne illness, Contamination Claims and Outbreak
Highway Design Accidents
Intentional Torts
Medical Devices
Pedestrian Injuries
Pharmaceuticals including over-the-counter supplements
Police Brutality
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Social Security Disability Claims
Surgical Equipment
Toxic Exposures
Toxic Torts
Vehicular Equipment and Devices
Worker's Compensation
Wrongful Death

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Maryland Office:
One Bethesda Center 4800 Hampden Lane, Suite 200 Bethesda, Maryland 20814

New York Office:
1515 Broadway, 11th floor New York, NY 10036
Telephone: 301-424-0222 Fax: 301-576-8600